You are a disappointment to the empire klingon
You are a disappointment to the empire klingon

So showing a sensitive kid trying to model himself after his father and make him proud, even though he is plainly not cut out to be a warrior, is a different slant. But many people complain that other Klingons were depicted as drunken empty vestiges parroting on about honour and a good day to die stuff. Martaok and Gowran are perhaps the models of actual warriors - honour mixed with a certain savagery. Worf is the very pinnacle of an honourable Klingon by virtue of his human upbringing and desire to overcompensate his Klingoness. However, it is true that the fashion in which he was used was maybe poorly executed, I think it was another way of trying to view Klingons. If he hadn't done so in the run then afterwards people would be commenting on the fact Alexander didn't ever come see his father and Worf mustn't have cared too much for him, etc, etc. Well I think there was nothing wrong with the character showing up in DS9. I wonder whose idea it was to try and wedge Alexander into DS9. And we already had a couple of father/son relationship storylines going with Ben/Jake Sisko and to a lesser extent, Rom/Nog.Īlexander did not bring anything new to the table for DS9.and DS9 did not have the bandwidth available to make any meaningful progress in that relationship happen. We simply had too much other stuff going on to try and deal with Alexander/Worf. I don't think Alexander should have ever been brought into DS9 for this reason. The TNG episodes dealing with Worf/Alexander sort of address this issue.but frankly, I don't feel DS9 had much available bandwidth to give it, and therefore it probably shouldn't have been addressed at all. Personally, I think Worf should have been helping him all along with that though, since he HAD to know this was coming since, like, the day Alexander was born. But I agree that he did need to work on coming to terms with the fact that he'd never really be a 'true' Klingon.

You are a disappointment to the empire klingon